lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Class #5: The Photograph You Like the Most

I don't have a favorite photo*, I don't like to have a favorite for all the things, but I have some photographers that I like. (And I think, now, photography is a mainstream and snob theme)
The kind of photography I like is the publicitary photography; I dislike the naturalist, ethnographic and documentary (misnamed ‘journalism’) photography; I like the work in studio with illumination and art propositions. Pop photography.
The photographers I like the most are David LaChapelle and Terry Richardson, they works for the biggest brands in fashion and beauty world, therefore, his photographs are characterized by portraying the biggest celebrities and models.
The LaChapelle’s work, I could say that is my favorite, the way that he transforms a photo in a plastic work of art is wonderful, the color palette of his photographs is amazing, I think He’s a great photographer.
Then I will show some of his photos:

* In any case, the subject of the photograph of oneself I would not do it, I dislike writing about myself, my family, or anything of my private life.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Class #4: My favorite Album/song

My favorite album of all times is "La Geisha chilena" by Anita Alvarado; I think this is a very important album in the history of Chilean music.
The album have ten songs, and the mostly songs are in Mexican rhythms, like “ranchera” and “corrido”and in “cumbia” a typical Colombian rhythm. 

“La Gallina” (the hen), is the first songs, and also, the first single, and speak about the people who talk about you without worry about their problems, and says the song “they say about me, that I am a slut, but I'm so happy, because I live on my way”; the second “El lunarcito Japonés” (the little Japanese Spot) talk about a little spot that her have in her body, and you have to search it: “La besucona” (the kisser), it’s a song that say when she drink a lot she likes to kiss all the people. “Anita Presidenta” (President Anita) it’s a feminist song, because says that the man will be dominated for the woman, and the man will be on the home making the homework and the woman will be on parties. The album continues with “Mi vecnio” (my neighbor) and “Pero cuesta platita” (But cost money), the last is an autobiographic song, and talks about her prostitution, and then there are the songs “Así soy yo” (I am this way) and “te falta coraje” (you lack courage). And the album closed with “Cazuela con Suchi”, a song that mix Spanish and Japanese (and a little bit of English) and “El Nico”, this song is about a very pretty man that likes guys.
I think the album it’s so complete and so important, because is an autobiographic material, it’s like a documentary of her life and all the difficult things that her lived in the past.

Here I give you some songs:
“La Gallina/El lunarcito japonés”
“La besucona
“Anita presidenta
Pero cuesta platita
“Así soy yo”
Cazuela con Suchi”
“El Nico”

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Class #3: My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my time machine. I found it like three years ago when I was on the forest looking some pirate treasure. I like it, because I can go to any era. For example, last saturday night I went to a party at the 70's, and tomorrow I want to go to the moment that Jesus was sacrificed, and save the world.
This machine it's hidden for my familiy, because I don't like to share it with anybody. I am selfish, I know it.
Sometimes, I wonder if it's a good idea go to the moment that I decided to study filmmaking in this university, I think that I can prevent to study a lot of things that I hate, but doesn't matter, I'm fine the way I am.
I know someday my time machine will die, because It have a little battery for an unknown material, I think is some extraterrestrial material, I've tried to charge it with electricity, but is impossible.