lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Class #5: The Photograph You Like the Most

I don't have a favorite photo*, I don't like to have a favorite for all the things, but I have some photographers that I like. (And I think, now, photography is a mainstream and snob theme)
The kind of photography I like is the publicitary photography; I dislike the naturalist, ethnographic and documentary (misnamed ‘journalism’) photography; I like the work in studio with illumination and art propositions. Pop photography.
The photographers I like the most are David LaChapelle and Terry Richardson, they works for the biggest brands in fashion and beauty world, therefore, his photographs are characterized by portraying the biggest celebrities and models.
The LaChapelle’s work, I could say that is my favorite, the way that he transforms a photo in a plastic work of art is wonderful, the color palette of his photographs is amazing, I think He’s a great photographer.
Then I will show some of his photos:

* In any case, the subject of the photograph of oneself I would not do it, I dislike writing about myself, my family, or anything of my private life.

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