jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Class #3: My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my time machine. I found it like three years ago when I was on the forest looking some pirate treasure. I like it, because I can go to any era. For example, last saturday night I went to a party at the 70's, and tomorrow I want to go to the moment that Jesus was sacrificed, and save the world.
This machine it's hidden for my familiy, because I don't like to share it with anybody. I am selfish, I know it.
Sometimes, I wonder if it's a good idea go to the moment that I decided to study filmmaking in this university, I think that I can prevent to study a lot of things that I hate, but doesn't matter, I'm fine the way I am.
I know someday my time machine will die, because It have a little battery for an unknown material, I think is some extraterrestrial material, I've tried to charge it with electricity, but is impossible.

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