lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Class #2: My Expectations for this semester (or the entire year)

Personally I just want to approve this semester, During the four years that i have studied this career I've tried to concentrate en the matters that I hate, as communication and critic theory, I come here to study cinema, but it's the least thing I've done.
Also, I want to watch more cinema and go to the theatre this year, because last year I didn't have much time to distract myself, and this year I want to enjoy all the posibilities that art  have to me.
Another thing that I wanna do this year is to write, I like to create stories but until this summer i didn't have a tecnique to do it, now I wanna start to write all things that I have in my mind, even if those aren't good stories.
I don't know if this is "my year", but, like all the years, good things and bad things have to happen.

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