lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Class #8: Favorite Book


This morning it’s time to talk about my favorite book, and it’s a difficult work, because I love to buy the best sellers in teenager’s categories, like the teen novels that you can see in cinema years after. But I will not to talk about books that can be adapted to movies. I’m going to talk about my favorite writer: Pilar Sordo.

She is a Chilean psychologist, is one of the most influential women in the country, and an important celebrity. And as if that were not enough, she is a writer.

Her books are the top-sellers, all the people want to buy them, and this is because she is the best giving the best advice and listening to other people's problems, she is so comprehensive and noble.
But for this blog, I want to mention her last book, “No quiero Envejecer” (I Don’t Want to Grow Old), it’s a 2014 book, and in this, like in the others, she talk about everyday problems, in this case, related to the past of the years, and all the fears that this brings. With
the point of view to celebrate life and see how wonderful it is in it, and loved ones.
I like this book a lot (like all the others), it helps me with all my fears. She is a really good writer, and a beautiful person.

                                                           She's the BEST

1 comentario:

  1. I couldn't consider Pilar Sordo to be an option to read for me, but if you love her, it just a matter of taste! Well written post anyways! keep working like that!
