lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Class #10: Evaluation of my blog experience

My troubles with the clock. :(
Wow! I can't believe it! This is the last blog. The time has happened so quickly. It have been a great experience, this was a very funny English semester, the only problem was the schedule, the most of the time I'd came late to class, but that doesn't mean that I dislike it, the problem was getting up early every Monday.

Cecilia Oyanadel, a new
clasmmate for next semester
Tana Gilbert, a very-creative blogger
To write in my blog it's like a relaxing experience of the semester overload, I could use the imagination to create new entrances, in our less creative semester. My favorite blog was the "My favorite-thing" blogs, because they were where I could use all my creativity writing. But when we had to talk about our personal life, I felt uncomfortable, because I prefer fiction than documentary ;).

I hope the next semester can be good too. I listened something about to create videos, that will be funny. And another thing, the next semester a lot of classmates have to do the 4th english level, so we'll be many, including the known listener, Cecilia Oyanadel. And we hope to have the same teacher too.

For finish the blog in my style, with a great feeling, I'll put some song about say goodbye, or the typical graduation songs. Hope U Can Enjoy It!!!!



lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Class #9: the Wolrd Cup

Hi, I think in this moment, hearing all the people talking ‘bout football its boring, both for those who don't like it, and for those who like it. For that reason I’d like to talk about another theme relapsed with the World Cup Brazil 2014, my topic this week will be:


Because the footballers are fashion icons, I think is a good idea review the most important looks of the main Selected Chilean footballers’ looks, for inspire us to have a very-nice new look, the World Cup spirit, forget all your problems, and dance with this big party’s soundtrack. Well, here is my analysis.

To star I’d like to mention the most successful Chilean footballer, Alexis Sánches, he is, without a doubt, a role model. He’s look is like a “wannabe a European footballer”, inspired by the biggest fashion icon: Cristiano Ronaldo. This look is for Classy men who like to show their superiority, in work, with the money, but especially with the girls. If you were a poor guy, but now you’re a successful type, with notorious abdominals and a big wallet, this is your look.

If you want to look like an intellectual guy, but not too much, Arturo Vidal is your concerning, you’re successful, you can dress the best and coast brands, but you don’t forget your past, your roots. For that reason, if you want to look this way, you have to combine an irregular haircut with Mohican and hair designs (so “soy del pueblo, pero estiloso”), with bright hoops, “bling, bling”, and Armani costumes. You are hybridization between a King and a “Flaite”. A little bit cut in your eyebrow looks nice.

If you exploits to the smallest sparkle, if your character is more like a Pitbull that a human, you have to take the Gary Medel look. You don’t care about people thinks about you, but you like looking “Refined & Elegant”. The hair designs are for you; your head is a canvas for the hairdresser’s brushstrokes. You can look hipster too, but your face says “good played, but you aren’t”.

For the people with a beautiful hair, that doesn’t want to cut, you can get the look by “The Wizard” Valdivia. But, the fact that your hair can be glorious doesn’t mean that your face it is also; but doesn’t matter, because it’s probably that your wife have a “cuica” face, and your kids can have it too.
In the contrary case, if you don’t have hair (so sad :( ), you can look like the trainer, George Sampaoli, you have the people adoration (except from colo-colo fans); have a lot of money, and a pitched voice, but that doesn’t matter that you don’t make you hear, youre the boss; you have tha powaH, yeah. Yo!!!
In the last case, we have Pinilla. He’s in a little higher level; He looks like a boy that can have a correct pronunciation for “Ch”, but the fact to be a footballer makes you down socials steps. The shinning in your hairs came too well for you, blonde looks good on you, but you can look good with whatever. Accessories in your ears, and expensive glasses looks nice for you.

Well, we don’t have to forget that, in all (or the most) cases mentioned, you can add to your looks a lots of tattoos (if are names from loves ones, better), and chewing bubblegum and talk at the same time, its so footballer

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Class #8: Favorite Book


This morning it’s time to talk about my favorite book, and it’s a difficult work, because I love to buy the best sellers in teenager’s categories, like the teen novels that you can see in cinema years after. But I will not to talk about books that can be adapted to movies. I’m going to talk about my favorite writer: Pilar Sordo.

She is a Chilean psychologist, is one of the most influential women in the country, and an important celebrity. And as if that were not enough, she is a writer.

Her books are the top-sellers, all the people want to buy them, and this is because she is the best giving the best advice and listening to other people's problems, she is so comprehensive and noble.
But for this blog, I want to mention her last book, “No quiero Envejecer” (I Don’t Want to Grow Old), it’s a 2014 book, and in this, like in the others, she talk about everyday problems, in this case, related to the past of the years, and all the fears that this brings. With
the point of view to celebrate life and see how wonderful it is in it, and loved ones.
I like this book a lot (like all the others), it helps me with all my fears. She is a really good writer, and a beautiful person.

                                                           She's the BEST

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Class #7: A Career-Relased Website

Hi Bloggers, this morning I’m gonna tell ya about one of my favorites websites and an expert on its field,

This website is amazing, because I can download a lot of movies, series, and other contents; all this because torrent system, that allows to download content through magnetic links, and you can access to a millions bits of contents, from the categories like “Audio”, “Video”, “Games”, and others.
Although, it is not a very career-related website, I think that It’s very important to me in my development as a filmmaker or whatever I'll be, because I can access to movies that makes me feel experiences that can change my perception or style. I can see the movies that can be the inspiration for my new creations. As we know, it’s so important that the cinema students can see the most movies that they can, for that reason, when we can’t access to the paid websites like Netflix, we have the pirate bay, and see a lot of things for free, the only thing is that the most of the time we have to search the subtitles in another sites.
I know this website is illegal, but go to the cinema, or wait to have the DVD or Bluray, or worst, wait to can see it at TV it’s a waste of time. And, all the people, we know it, has discharged at least once time a pirate disc or movie.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Class #6: Film


I’m going to talk you about my favorite film (also, Norbit it’s an important film to me). It’s a 2004 film called “White Chicks” (¿Y dónde están las rubias? In Chile), Directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans. The film it’s a comedy; the story is about two FBI agents (Kevin and Marcus) who have to care for a millionaires sisters of possible kidnap, at the operating the sisters get hurt and Marcus and Kevin have to dress and feign being the Wilson sisters with her family, friends and enemies.

Since then they start living different and funny adventures, because we know that they are guys dressed up, but all the people at the movie thinks that they’re girls. By the same, we see funny moments, like when a black man falls in love of Marcus, because he thinks that Marcus is Tiffany Wilson. But my favorite scene of the

movie, and the all cinema history, is when the fake Wilson sisters going to the club with her friends and disputing a dance fight with their enemies, so, we see amazing choreographies and when we thinks that the protagonist lost the fight, Marcus and Kevin shows all their nigga power and dance an amazing break-dance choreography with greats acrobatics movements, all this to the rhythm of Beyoncé’s Crazy in Love and RUN DMC’s It's Tricky (and with my friends we practice this choreography).
Oh I love this movie, I can’t stop seeing it. I let you the fantastic dance fight scene and the trailer.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Class #5: The Photograph You Like the Most

I don't have a favorite photo*, I don't like to have a favorite for all the things, but I have some photographers that I like. (And I think, now, photography is a mainstream and snob theme)
The kind of photography I like is the publicitary photography; I dislike the naturalist, ethnographic and documentary (misnamed ‘journalism’) photography; I like the work in studio with illumination and art propositions. Pop photography.
The photographers I like the most are David LaChapelle and Terry Richardson, they works for the biggest brands in fashion and beauty world, therefore, his photographs are characterized by portraying the biggest celebrities and models.
The LaChapelle’s work, I could say that is my favorite, the way that he transforms a photo in a plastic work of art is wonderful, the color palette of his photographs is amazing, I think He’s a great photographer.
Then I will show some of his photos:

* In any case, the subject of the photograph of oneself I would not do it, I dislike writing about myself, my family, or anything of my private life.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Class #4: My favorite Album/song

My favorite album of all times is "La Geisha chilena" by Anita Alvarado; I think this is a very important album in the history of Chilean music.
The album have ten songs, and the mostly songs are in Mexican rhythms, like “ranchera” and “corrido”and in “cumbia” a typical Colombian rhythm. 

“La Gallina” (the hen), is the first songs, and also, the first single, and speak about the people who talk about you without worry about their problems, and says the song “they say about me, that I am a slut, but I'm so happy, because I live on my way”; the second “El lunarcito Japonés” (the little Japanese Spot) talk about a little spot that her have in her body, and you have to search it: “La besucona” (the kisser), it’s a song that say when she drink a lot she likes to kiss all the people. “Anita Presidenta” (President Anita) it’s a feminist song, because says that the man will be dominated for the woman, and the man will be on the home making the homework and the woman will be on parties. The album continues with “Mi vecnio” (my neighbor) and “Pero cuesta platita” (But cost money), the last is an autobiographic song, and talks about her prostitution, and then there are the songs “Así soy yo” (I am this way) and “te falta coraje” (you lack courage). And the album closed with “Cazuela con Suchi”, a song that mix Spanish and Japanese (and a little bit of English) and “El Nico”, this song is about a very pretty man that likes guys.
I think the album it’s so complete and so important, because is an autobiographic material, it’s like a documentary of her life and all the difficult things that her lived in the past.

Here I give you some songs:
“La Gallina/El lunarcito japonés”
“La besucona
“Anita presidenta
Pero cuesta platita
“Así soy yo”
Cazuela con Suchi”
“El Nico”